About frans

frans has written 4625 articles so far, you can find them below.

How to get the best possible feedback from your customers

 Thought I’d share the user feedback story we had with our startup. ManageWP allows users to manage WordPress blogs.  It is still free and one of the things we were always wondering is how much to price the product once we launch it. There are no similar serious products on the market to compare the prices with. The closest match is Auttomatic owned VaultPress which offers only the backups and starts at $15/month per website. Continue reading →

What are online social networks good for?

 I think I started with Facebook years ago. Not sure why, but the ability to connect with long-forgotten friends and keep them around for “just in case” seemed attractive. Then I had a phase when I approved everyone as a friend which quickly created a huge mess. Facebook is great if you keep it to your circle of friends and should be used in that way only. Otherwise you may miss an important event because a guy you don’t really know keeps sending all these spammy updates. Continue reading →

On spending money and the Luxury rule

 It might appear as easy (“If I have money I’d know how to spend it!”) but in reality spending money is all but. In fact it is also a skill that needs to be learned, if one was not lucky enough to live in a surrounding where money spending skills were taught. I have learned the first step the tough way and I’d like to pass my experience on. Greatest challenge with spending money is understanding what money really is. It is not the ticket to your dreams, but a tool for changing the world. Continue reading →

SEO at all costs

 I was recently approached by a fairly successful company (judging by their website’s Alexa of about 2k) offering SEO software for sale. They identified me as one of the top SEO’s who may like to test their software’s latest features (well thanks for that compliment, I hope it’s not the lie as the rest turned out to be). Well to cut the long story short, I wasn’t able to run the software at all (it has an installation for Windows which for some reason didn’t work). Continue reading →