About frans

frans has written 4625 articles so far, you can find them below.

Keyword Placement Tips

 Keyword positioning plays a small but very important part in the search engine optimization process. Learn how to effectively use keywords to your website’s advantage. Keyword usage and optimization will help a webpage rank better in organic search res… Continue reading →

Search Engines Matter!

 Statistics show that 80-95% of all web traffic originates from search engines. Need I say more? Search Engine Optimization matters! Search Engine Optimization (often referred to as SEO) is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a… Continue reading →


 Just like HTML web pages, RSS feeds can be optimized to perform better in search engine listings. Quality web content is irrelevant if the website cannot be found. Optimizing RSS feeds using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques will assure that … Continue reading →