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pakar seo

Nobody takes Sun seriously?

 I am on the beach, under an umbrella, wearing a tshirt. All by the book, behaving as I was told I should. But I am the only one on the beach doing the full thing. And only about 5% of people are under any kind of protection. The rest of the people, 95% of them, […] Continue reading →

Look up

 I am now six months without Twitter and Facebook. And guess what, the world is greater than ever. You can do it too! // I consider myself lucky for not owning a smartphone, by choice. //   If that rose your eyebrow, here are a couple of other interesting articles to check: Louis CK Explains […] Continue reading →

Why I work at Devana

 One of the sure ways to know you love your work is to ask yourself whether you love Sunday nights. I love Sunday nights! They make me full of positive anticipation for the next morning at work. And why is that? Because I have a feeling I am going to be among my own people. […] Continue reading →